
Motionless in White Singer on Mental Health: “I Can’t Believe How Worthless I Feel” in Pandemic Era


The adverse affects of Covid-19 on mental health haven’t been discussed a whole lot, with the disease’s physical toll grabbing much of the attention, and understandably so: it’s a vicious disease that has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands around the world and sickened many more. But folks have been struggling with their mental health as a result of the pandemic as well, a consequence of the unemployment, idle time and isolation many of us have been forced to endure.

Motionless in White vocalist Chris Cerulli (aka Chris Motionless) has now opened up about his own struggles in that regard in a post to Twitter, saying:

“My mental health is on a serious decline this year. Especially this month. I cant believe how worthless I feel not being able to tour and having so much time to sit in my head and obsess over regrets and self hatred. I hope anyone else experiencing similar feelings are doing okay”

You are not alone, Chris!

While the feelings Chris describes as they relate to touring are certainly unique to his profession, Covid-19 has upended so much of everyone’s lives that I’d wager there are very few people who can’t relate to their livelihood being impacted in some way. And I’m positive that a number of musicians who read Chris’s words will see a bit of themselves there as well.

What’s gotta be worse is that while many of us are beginning to return to some sense of normalcy with the current “reopening” effort (until the pending next wave of infections, anyway), that won’t be happening for musicians for what must seem like an impossibly long time, likely not before late 2021.

Hang in there, everyone, and please seek help if you’re feeling depressed or anxious.

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