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Rage Against the Machine/ Run the Jewels Mash-Up Panthers Like a Panther

  • Axl Rosenberg

DJ Skarface has followed the love affair between Rage Against the Machine’s Zack de la Rocha and the hip-hop duo Run the Jewels to its natural conclusion: he made a baby!

More accurately: he made a 13+ minute mash-up of RATM and RTJ utilizing Rage songs like “Killing in the Name,” “Bombtrack,” “Guerrilla Radio,” and “Testify” along with Run the Jewels songs like “DDFH,” “Banana Clipper,” “Get It,” “Oh Mama,” and “Panther Like a Panther.” He even included some audio samples of an interview with El-P re: working with de la Rocha.

Friday afternoon dance party, anyone?

Additional reporting by Chino Wongeno.

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