Enlarge As a bonus, now we know what it looks like when Kiko makes love.

Megadeth’s Kiko Loureiro Releases Solo Track “EDM (e-Dependent Mind)”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Guitarist Kiko Loureiro, of Megadeth and Angra renown, has released a new solo song called “EDM (e-Dependent Mind.” Hey, that title is clever on multiple levels!

It’s an instrumental track, so there are no lyrics to dissect. But in case the name didn’t give it away, the video, which was directed by Leo Liberti, makes it very clear what Kiko has on his mind: having other people in your life is a total drag on your ‘Gram time.

Kiko’s new solo album is called Open Sourced, and it’s being open sourced here.

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