Enlarge The guitarist's first solo album, Suspended Animation, came out all the way back in 2005.

Dream Theater’s John Petrucci Announces Second Solo Album, Terminal Velocity


Dream Theater fans have been waiting for the follow-up to John Petrucci’s first solo album, Suspended Animation, for 15 years, but it seems all that was needed to afford the guitarist some time to finish it was a friggin’ pandemic!

I kid: maybe it was his plan all along to release a solo album during this time period. He’s addressed it countless times over the years in interviews, saying some version of “when I have time” or “I’m working on it.” But who cares either way, right? It’s finally coming!

Petrucci announced his sophomore solo effort’s pending arrival this coming fall in a video teaser posted on Instagram, along with a clip of new music and the hashtag #TerminalVelocity. True science dorks will note that Dream Theater’s most recent album was titled Distance Over Time. Physicists use the equation distance divided by (“over”) time to calculate velocity. Coincidence???

Here’s the post:

Petrucci released a similar teaser earlier this month that escaped my radar at the time:

Suspended Animation instantly became a fan favorite upon its release, so maybe it’s a good thing Petrucci waited so long to allow new ideas to gestate rather than rushing out more material just for the sake of doing so. I’m anxious to hear this stuff!


[via Ultimate Guitar]

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