Enlarge Reclaimed Rust: The Four-Wheeled Creations Of James Hetfield comes out in July.

James Hetfield Made a Coffee Table Book

  • Axl Rosenberg

Now that James Hetfield has made some tables, it’s only right that he should make something to put atop those tables. So the Metallica frontman Reclaimed Rust: The Four-Wheeled Creations Of James Hetfield. Hey, Kirk Hammett made money showing off his toy collection, there’s no reason Papa Het can’t do the same.

The 192-page hardbound book will be out July 28, and it does indeed come in an extra-special-super-duper-deluxe-premium limited edition, thanks for asking:

“The very limited, deluxe version of the book is housed in a clamshell case and includes a ‘Reclaimed Rust’ metal shield on its leatherette cover. The case also includes four lithographs of select cars, a shop towel, a keychain, and a metal car plaque. Each limited-edition copy contains a numbered card personally signed by James.”

Honestly, I’m just shocked that Jimmy did two table-related things this month and somehow completely blew the opportunity to make an “I Am the Table” reference both times. He couldn’t have called this thing I Am the Coffee Table Book? That actually would have gotten me to buy the darn thing. I wouldn’t even care what was in it.

You can watch videos of Jimbo unboxing the book below. Pre-order the regular edition here for fifty bucks. You can get the special version here for three hundred dollars, or enter this fan club contest and hope you get one that way.

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