Ensiferum’s “Andromeda” Doesn’t Strain to Slap
Every now and then a band I feel lukewarm on, or even actively dislike, come along and release a new track that I actually enjoy. When that happens, I always wonder how to song holds up against fans’ standards. Does the fact that someone who doesn’t normally love the band still digs the song make it a great example of the band’s output, or a terrible example of the band’s output? Is it, stylistically, just a total outlier? Like the way my friend likes that one Magrudergrind sludge song but isn’t into it when Magrudergrind grinds?
In case you can’t see where I’m going with this: no, Ensiferum’s new album, Thalassic, is not at the top of my “Most Anticipated Upcoming Releases” list… but yes, I did quite enjoy their new single, “Andromeda”!
What makes “Andromeda” so different from other Ensiferum songs? Well, I think it all comes down to the hook. I mean, I know that Ensiferum always have hooks. I know they’re not, like, Khanate or whatever. But those previous hooks mostly just do not hit my ears the way a good hook ought to. (That’s obviously just a matter of personal taste, BTW, not a judgment re: the quality of those other hooks.) But this is basically a song by The Chieftains turned up to 11. I can get behind that.
Check out “Andromeda” via the below video, which is rated NSFW for nudity. Thalassic Park will be released July 10 by Metal Blade. Pre-order it here.