Enlarge "Snuff" meets "Beautiful Girls," and "Guerrilla Radio" collides with "Gimme More."

Two Fun New Mash-Ups: Slipknot + Sean Kingston, Rage Against the Machine + Britney Spears

  • Axl Rosenberg

I don’t know when all the YouTube mash-up makers got together and decided that from now on they were gonna release their work two videos at a time instead of one, but that appears to be the trend right now. Last week, Bill McClintock released two new mash-ups — one combining System of a Down and Justin Bieber, one combining Motörhead and the Isley Brothers. Now William Maranci has done the same, providing both a mash-up of Slipknot’s “Snuff” and Sean Kingston’s “Beautiful Girls” and a mash-up of Rage Against the Machine’s “Guerrilla Radio” and Britney Spears’ “Gimme More.” They both work quite well, although the RATM/Britney one certainly feels a lot more timely.


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