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Genghis Tron’s Board Up the House and Dead Mountain Mouth to Be Made Available on LP for the First Time in Ten Years

  • Axl Rosenberg

Relapse Records will reissue Genghis Tron’s two full-length albums, Board Up the House (2008) and Dead Mountain Mouth (2006), on vinyl next month. This will be the first time either album has been available on LP in ten years. Needless to say there are regular versions and special super-duper limited edition splattery versions (200 copies each). Purchase also enters you into the Golden Ticket contest Relapse is doing to celebrate their 30th anniversary. The winner will get one clear vinyl copy of each album, be it new or a reissue, that the label releases in 2020. You can buy ’em here.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: Does this mean the band’s recently-teased “real news” was just these reissues, and NOT a reunion?!?! Well, not necessarily! According to a social media post by the electro-grind pioneers, there is “More news coming this summer.” Now, granted, that “more news” could be, like, I dunno, a vinyl reissue of their 2005 EP, Cloak of Love. But I choose to remain optimistic that it’s something more exciting than that. Shit, at this point, I’d settle for one of those Zoom reunions Olaf from Frozen is doing.

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