Enlarge Fronzak says Nielsen should "Focus [his] effort on the real scumbags."

Senses Fail Vocalist Calls Attila Frontman a “Scumbag” Because of His Porn Career


Senses Fail frontman Buddy Nielsen and Attila vocalist Chris Fronzak have never been buddies: the duo got into Twitter beef in both 2014 and 2015. Now they’re back at it again as a result of Nielsen voicing a criticism of Fronzak for his side career as a creator of pornography for OnlyFans, a site for which “Fronzak claims to be in the top 1% of all… content creators,” according to Lambgoat.

Earlier this week, Nielsen tweeted:

“Music Industry. Like you all still support Fronz and he is literally having women dress up like maids and clean his house while he shoots porn. Literally. Want to do something meaningful? Stop supporting bands with scumbags in them. Do more than just tweet about it.”

Fronzak subsequently fired back in a pair of his own tweets:

“The fact that some old jaded band dude tried to attack my character because I consensually make porn blows my mind. There are so many legit issues in the world right now & you’re gonna call me a scumbag because I make porn in a very respectful and fun environment? Eat shit dude.

“Seems like some people just wanna attack people just for the sake of attacking people without any real criterion. Focus that effort on the real scumbags- Racists, rapists, etc. Calling people out without any authentication whatsoever is disrespectful to real victims & that sucks.”

Nielsen has not further commented on the matter since.

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