Enlarge The band's third album, The Deviant, may be one of the best metal releases of 2020.

Descend’s “Lily” Is for Those of Us Who Miss the Days When Opeth Were Heavy

  • Axl Rosenberg
Descend’s “Lily” Is for Those of Us Who Miss the Days When Opeth Were Heavy

For the past 24 hours, I have listened to nothing but The Deviant, the third full-length from Stockholm’s Descend. I haven’t been doing that to torture myself: The Deviant is fuckin’ GREAT. It’s epic and heavy and epic and beautiful and epic and progressive and did I mention it’s GODDAMN EPIC? If you’re a grump that basically lost interest in Opeth after Watershed, then The Deviant is the album you’ve been waiting for. If you’re a dreamer who has fantasized about an Opeth/ Insomnium supergroup, The Deviant is the album you’ve been waiting for. If you like good metal, period, The Deviant is the album you’ve been waiting for.

Doubt me? Check out “Lily,” the nine-minute single from The Deviant. Maybe it’s not quite as grandiose as classic ‘Peth, but it’s pretty damn close. And besides: every note is just, mwah!, perfect. This album just became a major contender for my year-end list.

Blast “Lily” below. The Deviant comes out June 26. Pre-order it here.

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