Enlarge Does Shane Embury start a new band every five minutes or what?

Members of Converge, Napalm Death, Megadeth, and Nasum Team up for New Project

  • Axl Rosenberg

Shane Embury is 52-friggin’-years old, and the dude has more energy than I’ve ever had at any age. Apparently not content with his 3,267,893 other projects — which include Napalm Death, Brujeria, Lock Up, Venomous Concept, Born to Murder the World, and Tronos — the bassist is now also a part of a new band that the Metal Archives says is called called Blood From the Soul. In addition to Embury, the project features fellow workaholics Jacob Bannon (Converge, Wear Your Wounds, Umbra Vitae) and Dirk Verbeuren (Megadeth, Bent Sea, Hespera, Tronos again). Rounding out the line-up is Jesper Liveröd, formerly of Nasum and Burst… both of which, alas, are now defunct.

Bannon broke the news of the new project in a new interview with Knotfest.com‘s Mosh Talks with Beez:

“Aside from the Umbra [Vitae] record I actually finished another album before the pandemic situation hit here in the States. We didn’t totally put that on ice, but it definitely delayed getting that out to the world…”

“It’s something totally new for me, where Umbra is a band—a proper band—and Converge and Wear Your Wounds are proper bands, this is more of a project that might have some live elements at some point. But I wrote an album with Shane Embury from Napalm Death, Dirk from Megadeth who also used to play drums in Soilwork and Jesper from Nasum.

And we recorded a 12-song album and we’re really excited about it. And we’re gonna get that out to the world, I don’t know, hopefully in the next few months, we’ll see what happens…”

Man, they better hurry up and get that album out there… I’m sure Embury joined five more bands just in the time it took me to write this post.

You can watch the entire interview with Bannon below:

[via The PRP]

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