Enlarge Vext suggests that Black Lives Matter was created by people like George Soros in order to profit from the inevitable media coverage.

Bad Wolves Vocalist Tommy Vext Says Racism in the U.S. Is “Manufactured”


Tommy Vext, frontman for Bad Wolves, has shared a new video on social media entitled “WHAT IS BLACK LIVES MATTER?”. Vext says he made the six-and-a-half minute video “After weeks of research & interviews with independent journalist, military personnel, entertainment industry professionals, a virologist & many ex Democrats.” In it, the vocalist asserts that racism in the United States is “manufactured,” saying that despite being an African-American himself, “I have not experienced actual racism”:

“There’s a huge fucking problem going on where we have turned into citizens policing other citizens over a veil of racism that doesn’t exist. I’m African American, I’m 38-years-old. I’ve grown up in this country and I have not experienced actual racism. I’ve spent twenty years traveling through 48 states and, how many countries? I don’t know, lets say 50 countries all over the world. We don’t have a problem with race here. It’s all manufactured…”

Vext also suggests that Black Lives Matter was created by people like George Soros, the Holocaust survivor and billionaire at the center of many right wing conspiracy theories, and The Clinton Foundation. He posits that these entities invest in Black Lives Matter so as to profit from the inevitable media coverage.

You can watch Vext’s entire video below.


[via The PRP]

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