Enlarge The Italian death metal band ups the original's heaviness quotient by about a gajillion percent.

The Modern Age Slavery Share Super-Heavy Cover of Metallica’s “Hardwired”

  • Axl Rosenberg

It is with no small amount of joy that I report the return of The Modern Age Slavery, possibly best, and definitely the most under-appreciated, metal band in all of Italy.

While the band plans to release a new original song next month, today they’ve debuted a cover of Metallica’s “Hardwired” that, like their covers of Sepultura and Pantera, takes the original and ups the heaviness quotient by about a gajillion percent. I don’t even really like this song all that much, and I think TMAS version rules.

Check out the cover below! And we’ll let you know as soon as that new Modern Age Slavery original becomes available!!!

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