Enlarge The site of Copenhell is now the site of Copenheaven.

Danish Church Takes Over Heavy Metal Venue

  • Axl Rosenberg

2020 would have been the tenth anniversary of Copenhell, the annual metal festival that takes place in (where else?) Copenhagen, Denmark. And what a tenth anniversary it would have been! The line-up, scheduled to perform between the 17th and the 20th of this month, would have included Judas Priest, Mercyful Fate, Korn, Disturbed, Emperor, Jinjer, Crypt Sermon, and tons of other notable acts. It likely would have been a total blast for all who attended.

Unfortunately, Copenhell 2020, like all other major events, had to be called off due to the coronavirus. So instead of hosting a metal festival, the site is being used by evangelical Christians to hold drive-in services (and, yes, that mural of a wolf glares down at the services the entire time). Lead by a pastor named Thomas Christensen, the group have cleverly dubbed themselves “Copenheaven,” according to The New York Times:

“The drivers park in front of a small stage that is erected and dismantled every Sunday morning. A small choir and backing band belt hymns and prayers, amplified by a wall of speakers provided by a company that usually equips musical events.

“A man-made ski slope stands in the distance.

“Mr. Christensen reads his sermon into a microphone. There’s no communion, though individual worshipers have sometimes brought their own bread and wine to consume in their car.”

The report continues:

“Instead of saying ‘Amen,’ the congregants simultaneously blared their horns — all 26 cars of them.

“‘Who let the cars out?’ asked the pastor, in between hymns last Sunday.



“Honk, honk.


“‘We try to have fun with it,’ the pastor said later.

“‘We say, if you want to get baptized, put your windshield washers on,’ he added, again in jest. ‘If you want to turn to God, put your blinkers on.’”

Well, golly gosh. That sounds almost as exciting as a metal festival, no?

You can read more about Copenheaven here. Click to learn about the best tower speakers.

Thanks: Sydney G.

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