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System of a Down’s John Dolmayan Says Donald Trump Is “The Greatest Friend to Minorities”

  • Axl Rosenberg

I feel like System of a Down drummer John Dolmayan has not-so-subtly been trying to tell us something for the past few months. First there was the dissemination of coronvirus conspiracy theories. Then there was the misplaced focus on the riots and looting that have resulted from the mostly-peaceful protests against police brutality brought about the murder of George Floyd. And now, in case fans still don’t get where he’s coming from, the drummer has shared and defended one of Donald Trump’s self-congratulatory tweets, in which the former gameshow host asserts that “My Admin [sic] has done more for the black community than any President since Abraham Lincoln.”

While that declaration would surely make any logical person burst out into disbelieving laughter — Trump is, after all, the guy who recently quoted a racist police chief‘s threatening response to the American civil rights movement of the 1960s — Dolmayan defended it. And defended it earnestly, as far as I can tell:

“Let’s not let the narrative that’s being spun make us forget the truth of this statement. The most attacked president in history yet the greatest friend to minorities! Don’t believe it ? Look at the stats . Don’t like it , doesn’t change the truth of it.”

To paraphrase Dolmayan’s apparent hero, this is SAD! Like, I don’t even really know what else to say about it. It makes me wanna listen to “Lonely Day” and weep. Which I think I will do right now.


[via Kerrang!]

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