Enlarge Cancel this shit.

Attila Premiere Crazy-Sh*tty New Song “Cancelled”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Dear Frankie Palmeri,

I’m sorry I was so hard on you and Emmure’s shitty new single, “Uncontrollable Descent,” this morning. Little did I know when I wrote it that just a few hours later I’d hear a much, much shittier shitty new single: “Cancelled” by Attila. This garbage makes your garbage sound like Strapping Young Lad by comparison. It sounds like Fred Durst, Jonathan Davis, and the members of Orgy got together to cover Slipknot. I do not mean that as a compliment.

Please accept my most humble apologies. Or don’t. I don’t actually care.

Axl Rosenberg

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