Metallica Ask Fans to Pick Their Best Song via Some Kind of Bracket
Metallica continue to do their part to keep the masses entertained while under quarantine: the band has launched Some Kind of Bracket, a, y’know, bracket, intended to let fans determine their absolute #1 best song ever.
Says the band:
“BAT-TERY GO! It’s time for your fav Metallica songs to go head to head in #SomeKindOfBracket. Vote on daily match-ups in our Instagram stories and on Facebook until we crown the champ!”
In a Facebook comment under this initial announcement, the band explains that “brackets were seeded based on Spotify plays multiplied by how many times a song’s been played live.” Which lead to this droll exchange with a fan:

ANYWAY, all of the first round match-ups are available below. I can’t imagine any way “Enter Sandman” doesn’t win this (which is not to say I think “Enter Sandman” is the best Metallica song… just that it’s the most famous), but I encourage MetalSucks readers to do what they do best and troll the shit outta this thing. I can’t think of anything funnier than if “I Disappear” ending up on top, can you?
[via The PRP]