Enlarge Finally, one central listing of livestream performances, playthroughs, Twitch sessions, fan Q&As, interviews, old concert rebroadcasts and more.

Announcing the Ultimate Metal Livestream Directory


All cooped up and nowhere to go, the world of livestreams has experienced unprecedented growth over the past couple of months. Entertainment is tough to come by while in quarantine, but these streams have provided us metal fans with a lifeline, an outlet for expression and connection.

But it’s been incredibly difficult to keep up with the latest stream announcements — which bands are streaming? when? what will they be doing? — until now!

MetalSucks, with a huge helping hand from eOne, is pleased to present the ultimate metal livestream directory! We’ll be doing our best to keep the calendar up to date with all upcoming livestreams relevant to the world of metal to make sure you all have something to keep you entertained during these desolate times. Live performances, playthroughs, Twitch sessions, fan Q&As, interviews, old concert rebroadcasts, premieres… it’s all fair game as long as it’s a livestream of some kind!

Visit our livestream calendar right here! It’s also accessible any time from the navigation bar of our site, above.

If you wish to submit an event to be listed, you can fill out this form. We will then add your event as soon as possible.

See you all in the pit… errr, chat window.

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