Enlarge The band's new face masks feature the image of a butthole on one side.

Cattle Decapitation May Not Eat Meat, but That Doesn’t Mean They Won’t Eat Ass

  • Axl Rosenberg

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve seen plenty of metal bands get into the face mask game, sometimes in ways both fun and creative.

Still, I’d argue that Cattle Decapitation’s soon-to-be released face masks are, by far, the most metal ones produced to date.

The reason? Their design is undeniably death/ grind. The front features a collage of notable 2020 events which looks like it came right off of some kid’s DIY project, while the back features an asshole. And I don’t mean an asshole in the figurative sense (e.g., Donald Trump). I mean in a very real sense that it has a photo of a poop shooter.

The mock-up (below) is censored, but the product page actually includes the warning “Please be advised: actual image on mask is not censored.” That same product page also drolly notes that “Due to Covid-19, a one-sided, (butthole-less), version is unavailable.” Oh, Cattle Decap! NEVER CHANGE!!!

You can pre-order your mask here for fifteen bucks.

[via The PRP]

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