Enlarge An NSFW video that portends a reminder of current times, but in reality is much more universal.

Darwen’s Theory “Told Us To Stay Home” in Graphic New Video


Based on the title alone, you might think that “They Told Us to Stay Home” is some kind of anthem by the free speech warriors who insist on defying health experts by refusing to wear masks during a pandemic. In reality it’s about something else entirely, but you’ll have to watch the video — which comes to us from Darwen’s Theory — to find out. I’ll give you a hint: we’ve gotta slap a mildly NSFW tag here due to some bondage footage in the video, even though there are some heavy visual effects over it. Although, come to think of it, with very few of us commuting to traditional offices in the COVID era, that’s not so much of a concern… they told us to say home, after all, where you can do anything you want. Watch below.

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