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Man on Man, Feat. Roddy Bottum (Faith No More), Release “Daddy” Single


The video for “Daddy,” the debut single by Man on Man — featuring Faith No More keyboardist Roddy Bottum “and Joey Holman, who are gay lovers,” reads its description — has been removed from YouTube for violating the site’s terms of service. I’m forced to wonder what the video contained that was so objectionable, or whether this is an instance of blatant albeit unintended homophobia under the guise of YouTube’s TOS.

So for now we can only listen to the song, but it’s pretty sweet, a chill, synth-based number that calls to mind ’90s art rock heroes and new wave at once. Bottum tells Rolling Stone the project was born of the current isolation we all find ourselves in, saying:

“We’re setting out ultimately to document this odd time in the history of the world and to address the importance of creativity and togetherness. The statement of the song and video for ‘Daddy’ maybe is a celebration of love in isolation and is a love letter to the not-so-distant past of a place and time where we communed physically together with our queer community.”

Bottum says that an entire album’s worth of material has already been recorded, with more singles and videos on the way soon and eventual LP release tentative for later this year.

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