Enlarge Metal's impact can now be felt in mainstream culture beyond the music itself.

How Metal Has Spilled Over to More Than Music


Metal has been the saving grace for millions of outcasts around the world searching for a community for as long as it’s existed. With hundreds of rebel anthems, uncensored opinions, and electrifying riffs, what’s not to love about the genre that’s never afraid to speak its mind? While the metalhead community has always been a somewhat reclusive tight-knit group, any time something gets as big as metal has, it’s bound to leave a mark in places beyond than its immediate world. With that said, here are just a few of the unexpected industries that metal has undoubtedly influenced.

The Gambling Scene

It might seem like a logical leap to some that metal music was bound to end up in a place where risk is practically celebrated. Since its beginnings, metal has found itself associated with casinos and the large number of varied games they offer, and now with online casinos taking the lead in online gambling it’s even easier to stumble upon some metal inspired slots in a quality casino.

From a near endless amount of slots to dozens of variations of classic table games, these places have a lot to offer players. Now, with the hefty bonuses they offer coupled with some of the most legendary bands in the history of music such as Guns N’ Roses, Kiss and Motorhead, they attract an even larger number of players that get more than they bargained for. Hitting the jackpot might be great, but hitting it with some excellent tunes playing in the background is much better.

The Fashion Scene

If you ever thought that metal and high fashion don’t mix, it turns out you’re dead wrong. Metal is more than just a genre of music: it’s a medium for self expression. The metal community knows this very well which is why dark colors (black, always black), battered and ripped clothing, and spikes galore have all but been branded as an essential part of the metalhead identity. While this has often been the reason for more than a few not-so-subtle digs at the community over the years, it seems now everyone’s embracing it.

One industry in particular that has seemingly welcomed it with open arms is the fashion industry. It’s not unusual to see superstar models rocking the runways in metal inspired attire, spikes and all. With high fashion and pop culture working together in a delicate balance since their inception, it seems metal has become a pop culture phenomenon no one can get away from.

The Television Scene

Movies and TV shows that pay homage to music legends or whole genres are nothing novel, which is why we’ll mention a different part of television that metal has made a surprising appearance in: reality TV. With so many metal icons garnering worldwide fame, the focus on their personal lives is unavoidable.

While many choose to do the best they can to get away from the public eye and keep a modicum of privacy, others have taken it in stride, starring in their own reality TV shows. The number of these shows is surprisingly high, and often even more surprising are the starts!

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