Sh*t That Comes Out Today: May 22, 2020
Only one big release this week (well, kinda two, technically), but some really good below-the-radar stuff for you to check out! Note: Apparently the Black Rainbows album got pushed back to today because of the virus shit, so I’m gonna repost the blurb since it kicks ass.

Black Rainbows
Cosmic Ritual Supertrip (Heavy Psych)
I know you’re looking at that cover art and going “oh cool, another fucking heavy psych record, isn’t this supposed to be a metal column” — but wait! This actually qualifies. Cosmic Ritual Supertrip is a gnarly burst of doomy stoner nihilism. Serious Monster Magnet/Nebula/Acrimony “bad trip” vibes happening in these nuggets, giving the big rock riffs a nasty edge. Perfect for blasting out your car windows once you’re actually able to drive places again.

Eternity Of Shaog (I, Voidhanger)
This is the kind of eighth-dimensional black metal where you have to listen to it sideways to actually figure out where in the fractal hell the song is, but when it snaps into place it’s like one of those old Magic Eye posters that lets you see the goddamn cosmos. Needless to say, it rules. I do kinda wish vocalist (and sole member) Asthâghul didn’t sound like he was gargling chowder.

Zweite Beschwörung: Ein Kind zu töten (Dying Victims)
Creepy dismembered baby doll on the cover indicates a fascination with 70s Euro-schlock horror flicks that the music itself confirms. A Goblin-esque intro gives way to black-thrash with spooky bells and echoing demonic shrieks and songs based on Tombs of the Blind Dead, Let Sleeping Corpses Lie, and a Jean Rollin sapphic vampire pic. Despite the reliance on kitschy subject matter, they do what all those films do best: create an unsettling, uncanny atmosphere.

Bloodletting (Lifeforce)
The mountain that Mountaineer have chosen to climb is that of post-metal. An oft-climbed peak, to be sure, and this Bay Area act doesn’t stray far from the marked trails. There’s a lot of doom and despair going on, is what I’m saying. If you like your depression served a la Neurosis, though, these guys do a good job of gazing into the abyss.

Old Man Gloom
Seminar XIII: Light of Meaning/Seminar IX: Darkness of Being (Profound Lore)
These streamed a few months ago but now they’re officially out? I dunno, time has no meaning anymore. At any rate, here are two new Old Man Gloom records — 100 minutes of music — to wreck your ears. Stephen Brodsky replaces the late Caleb Scofield capably; the noise drones and harsh post-metal engulf him in the maelstrom. OMG are one of the most intense live bands I’ve ever seen, and these two records perfectly capture the experience. It’s impressive how they make a sound this chaotic into something so infectious.

Valhalla (Ripple)
Do you like the Sword but wish they’d never blasted off into space? Well, Wolftooth are here to take you to Valhalla. They claim to be influenced by NWOBHM and Bay Area thrash, and they certainly own some mythology books (see: the video below). Their doom-laden gallop will definitely scratch whatever traditional metal itch you might be feeling. Go grab your drinking horns.
Barren Womb – Lizard Lounge (Loyal Blood) Listen
Caligula’s Horse – Rise Radiant (InsideOut) Listen
Cosmic Putrefaction – The Horizon Towards Which Splendor Withers (I, Voidhanger) Listen
Cauldron Black Ram – Slaver (20 Buck Spin) Listen
Chronus – Idols (Listenable) Listen
Close the Hatch – Modern Witchcraft (Red Moth) Listen
Die Kreatur – Panoptikum (Napalm) Listen
Otzi – Storm (Artoffact) Listen
Oz – Forced Commandments (Massacre) Listen
Revenge – Strike.Smother.Dehumanize (Season Of Mist) Listen
War Cloud – Earhammer Sessions (Ripple) Listen