Enlarge The track will appear on the band's new album, Utgard, which will be out sometime in the fall.

Enslaved Debut New Song “Homebound”

  • Axl Rosenberg

It’s Memorial Day weekend, and I think a lot of us are probably feeling very aware that we can’t engage in the usual start-of-summer cookouts and yard parties.

So there’s something kinda funny about the fact that Enslaved’s newly-released single is called “Homebound.” But fret not — they don’t mean “homebound” as in “bound to your home,” but, rather, as in “head back towards your home.” Says the band:

“‘Homebound’ is about the greatest reward of exploring and travelling into unknown territory – to ‘go viking’ if you will, turning Homebound at the end of the journey.

“It is a song that takes Enslaved on a musical journey that is as much an homage to those who dared so we could play our very own style of music: from nurturing blackened roots to nodding at zeppelins in the sky, beholding teutonic thrash titans and watching speeding motorpsychos take off into the futures.”

Appropriately, then, the track is a mix of the classic Enslaved elements you know and love — progressive, rough-hewn black metal and somber-yet-desirous melodies — but it also sounds like the next stage in Enslaved’s exploration of heavy music: it’s just a wee bit more polished than the Enslaved you’re used to, and the clean vocals sound fuller and warmer than they have in the past. I think fans will dig it.

Check out “Homebound” below. The track will appear on Enslaved’s new album, Utgard, which will be out sometime in the fall.

Enslaved Debut New Song “Homebound”
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