Enlarge Like a hand grenade encased in rubber.

Make Them Suffer’s New Song Could Make Your “Soul Decay”

  • Axl Rosenberg
Make Them Suffer’s New Song Could Make Your “Soul Decay”

HUZZAH! We’ve already heard two bangers from Make Them Suffer’s new album, How to Survive a Funeral“Erase Me” and “Drown with Me” — but now the album finally has a release date: July 24 (via Rise Records). You can pre-order it here. I guess we’ll see how the summer goes, but assuming the world is just as fucked up at the end of July as it now (spoiler alert: it will be), I think a lot of us are gonna need this album, which is just the right mix of furiously heavy, heartbreakingly visceral, and crucified-catchy. It is, in other words, a perfect summer metal album.

In addition to announcing the release date, the band has debuted another new ripper, “Soul Decay.” It’s simultaneously bouncy and destructive, like a grenade encased in rubber. It’s hot shit.


[via Revolver]

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