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Deftones/ Gojira/ Poppy Tour Moved to 2021

  • Axl Rosenberg

The Deftones’ big summer tour with Gojira and Poppy has officially been postponed to 2021.

Says the band in a statement:

“Due to the current regulations, and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, we must reschedule our North American summer tour dates with special guests, Gojira and Poppy. We’re currently rescheduling the dates for 2021, and you’ll be the first to know once they are confirmed. All tickets will be honored or refunded upon our next announcement regarding the tour.

“Regarding our European dates, an update will be coming very soon as well.

“Thank you for your understanding, and patience. Please stay safe.”

It’s hard to know what to say about tour postponements — you’d have to be a fool not to see ’em coming from a mile away at this point. Heck, Chino Moreno even hinted at this inevitably all of a week-and-a-half ago. It’s a bummer but it’s better than letting people die.

We’ll post re-scheduled dates when they’re officially announced.

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