Enlarge 2020 is one hell of a year, huh?

Listen: Pastor’s Sermon About Burning Buttholes Turned Into a Metal Song

  • Axl Rosenberg

So there’s this pastor named James David Manning, and apparently, at some point during the Obama administration, he became convinced that a whole lotta people are gonna need a whole lotta Preparation H.

Obama’s been out of office for almost four years now, and while we are currently suffering through a pandemic, I have not heard a whole lot about a rise in cases of burning buttholes. Maybe the lamestream media is just withholding that information from us.

Regardless, Andy Rehfeldt, a longtime creator of metal viral videos, has turned Pastor Manning’s sermon into a highly entertaining metal song. Just how good is Rehfeldt’s video? It will make your butthole burn. It’s that good.

Check it out below. If you like what you see, Rehfeldt has a Patreon page and is accepting donations in the form of both beer and money.

[via Metal Injection]

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