Enlarge A very clever way to make a music video during the quarantine.

Left Behind Made a Music Video Entirely Out of Animal Crossing Footage

  • Axl Rosenberg

The music-video-made-in-quarantine bit seemed fun and clever when Cattle Decapitation first did it at the beginning of April, relatively early into the period of time when the whole world when on lockdown. I get it: it’s really hard to make a music video when nobody can leave the house and you can’t even get the entire band in one place. But it’s already starting to be played out. Bands need to start being more creative and clever when figuring out how to overcome the obstacle with which we are now faced. It may be an uphill battle to do so, but it’s not impossible.

Exhibit A: Left Behind’s new video for “Waiting for the End,” a b-side from last year’s No One Goes to Heaven (Pure Noise). The entire clip was constructed out of footage taken from the increasingly-popular social simulation video game, Animal Crossing (which was already a bastion of ingenuity for the metal community). The result is entertaining as hell, and doesn’t lean on the world’s umpteenth joke about toilet paper hoarding and not wearing pants. In fact, it’s so much fun, it makes me wanna check out No One Goes to Heaven, an album that I admit I initially dismissed as “not for me.” In other words: this is a music video that does exactly what a music video is meant to do.

Watch the video below. Left Behind are selling a limited-edition “Waiting for the End” shirt here, which includes a free download of the song. No One Goes to Heaven is out now via all the usual streaming outlets.

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