Enlarge Hale encourages fans to buy Roadie Strong merch "to help all the road crews without whom the rock show would not go on!"

Halestorm’s Lzzy Hale: “Most of the Bands You Know and Love Won’t Make It out of This”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Feeling glum about the current state of the world? Well, fret not: Halestorm frontwoman Lzzy Hale is here to brighten your day with the below happy-go-luck message, which she shared on her Instagram account yesterday.

“Hey all my freaks!

“I get why everyone is excited about some states reopening right now. In my opinion, without a vaccine, this is like opening up a designated section of a public pool for pissing. But ya know… you do you. I’m continuing to self quarantine, write an album and do my thing. But what I need to address tonight is the audacity of some people to assume that just because I’m someone of note, that I am not suffering because of all this. I spend most of my time, 90% of it, on tour, which is NOT a reality right now. My crew is suffering, the future is unknown, and most of the bands you know and love won’t make it out of this. So if you are able, please be smart. Don’t go out unless it’s necessary, and if you gotta, do curb side, wear a mask, wash/sanitize your hands. And let’s band together to end this shit! Click the link in my bio to help all the road crews without whom the rock show would not go on!” 

My smart-assery aside… nothing Hale says here is incorrect. Believe you me, I’m as anxious as anyone to get back to something resembling “normal” life, I think it’s waaaayyyy pre-mature for parts of the country to begin re-opening. And save for the tippy-top 1% of the A-list — your Ozzys and Metallicas, your Slipknots and Korns, your Mötley Crües and Def Leppards who are needlessly delaying the inevitable cancellation of their summer tours — every band in the world is suffering from this. Don’t assume because an artist you love has been featured in a magazine that they’re rolling in dough… that’s just not the state of the industry these days.

You can buy the Roadie Strong merch to which Lzzy refers here.

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