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New Run the Jewels Album to Feature Vocalists From Rage Against the Machine + Queens of the Stone Age

  • Axl Rosenberg

Run the Jewels, the decidedly metal-friendly hip-hop duo (El-P and Killer Mike), have a longstanding relationship with Zack de la Rocha. The Rage Against the Machine frontman appeared on RtJ’s 2014 track, “Close Your Eyes (And Count to Fuck)”…

…and El-P produced de la Rocha’s 2016 song, “Digging for Windows”…

…and then de la Rocha cameoed in the video for RtJ’s most recent single, “Ooh LA LA”…

…and Run the Jewels were even set to be the support act on RATM’s reunion tour this year, before COVID-19 delayed that tour a year (it’s not presently clear whether or not RtJ will still participate in 2021).

Now it’s been announced that de la Rocha and Queens of the Stone Age mastermind Josh Homme will both guest on Run the Jewels’ new album, Run the Jewels 4. Homme will appear on a cut entitled “Pulling the Pin” (alongside gospel singer Mavis Staples), while de la Rocha reunites with the duo for a song called “Ju$t” (alongside Pharrell Williams). Here’s hoping “Ju$t” is even half as vicious as “Close Your Eyes…”, and I’m certainly intrigued by the pairing of Homme and a gospel singer on a rap song. The worst RtJ song is still fucking GREAT, so I’m sure we’re in for a treat.

Run the Jewels 4 comes out June 5, and can be pre-ordered here. I’m as excited for its release as I am for the release of any metal album this year, and you should be, too.

[via The PRP]

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