Exhumed’s New Song Will “Rot Your Brain”

Do parents still warn their kids that certain activities will “rot your brain,” or is that shit dying out with the baby boomers along with things like laugh track sitcoms and social security? I don’t think it’s a nice thing to say to children. I mean, I know, parents mean well, and I obviously didn’t take it too seriously when they told me “Stop doing whatever, it will rot your brain!”… but on the other hand, I did commit patricide, so I guess that didn’t work out too well for anyone.
What was I talking about?
Ah, right: “Rot Your Brain,” Exhumed’s new “loud, nasty and decidedly unhealthy ode to all things decay-inducing” (in the words of frontman Matt Harvey). The track will probably not rot your brain. On the other hand, it would make a great soundtrack for killing your father, and then his brain will rot. So. There’s that.
Feed your mind with “Rot Your Brain” below. The song will appear on Exhumed’s upcoming split with Gruesome, Twisted Horror, which comes out June 5 on Relapse. You can pre-order it here.