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Poll: What Do You Think of Suicide Silence’s Plan to Hold a Virtual World Tour?


Earlier today, Suicide Silence announced that since they can’t embark upon an actual tour right now on account of the global coronavirus pandemic, they’d be doing a “virtual world tour” this summer instead. Each show will be geo-gated within a certain radius so only people who live in the vicinity can view it; each show will also include “unique sets, exclusive merchandise, and custom experiences,” as well as “an extensive post-performance Q&A.”

Surely, the entire metal world will be watching this “virtual tour” in order to see how it goes. With it being likely that concerts won’t be able to resume until fall 2021, this could very well end up being a viable source of income for bands in the immediate future.

And we so we ask, the beloved MetalSucks community: what do you think of this concept? Do you love it? Hate it? Feel like you’ll have to try it out before you can decide? We’re curious to hear what you think! Cast your vote below!!!

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