Enlarge Another track that's heavy musically AND emotionally.

Binary Code Journeys “Into the Maw”

  • Axl Rosenberg

“Into the Maw” is the fourth song we’ve heard from Binary Code’s new album, Memento Mori, after “Those I Thought to Spare,” “Filaments Dissolve,” and a cover of Mazzy Star’s “Fade Into You.” And my big takeaway from those tracks is this: Memento Mori is going to be a very emotional outing. That’s not surprising — the album was inspired by the suicide of founder/ guitarist Jesse Zuretti’s girlfriend, and all proceeds from its sales will be donated to suicide prevention — but it something of a change for the band, who made their name playing progressive, technical death metal that, although top notch, didn’t feel quite so affecting.

But creative evolution is a good thing, and Binary Code more than pull it off. It’s not as though “Into the Maw” wants for heaviness… but there’s definitely melody to be found, too, and a distinct sense of sorrow that shadows the entire thing. It’s really quite moving.

Check out “Into the Maw” for yourself below. Memento Mori comes out May 15; pre-order it here.

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