Enlarge Foolish behavior begets consequences.

Rescheduled Tours are Being Canceled Now (*Cough* Fit For a King, Dance Gavin Dance *Cough*)


Remember when we said that some bands whose tours were canceled because of the coronavirus were rescheduling those dates extremely prematurely and that there was no way in hell those new dates would ever happen?

That prediction has become reality, as one of the worst offenders of the ambitious reschedule, Fit For a King, have now pulled down their new dates. The tour had initially been set to run early March through early April, but the band rescheduled to June and July, displaying a complete lack of understanding of how pandemics work. Now the band has offered this statement:

“Due to the ongoing health concern with COVID-19, and states continued ban on large gatherings, we are devastated to announce that the rescheduled dates for the Dark Skies USA tour are being cancelled. We did everything in our power to try and keep this going, and we appreciate you all for sticking with us while we tried to make it work. Tickets/VIPS will be refunded at the point of purchase.

“We will be touring again the moment it is deemed safe by health officials, so keep a look out for more dates as the situation progresses.”

I mean, guys, yeah, I feel bad, but c’mon… you do not get to feel “devastated” when you easily could have seen this coming. This has nothing to do with “states continued ban on large gatherings” and everything to do with keeping people safe. Do not shift blame! Irresponsible. I feel bad for the booking agents and promoters who wasted a shitload of time on this when they had all the information at hand to know they didn’t need to bother, but really, they should have known better too.

Another one I expect to bite the dust soon is the rescheduled Dance Gavin Dance tour featuring Animals as Leaders, Veil of Maya and Issues, now set for August and September. Not happening, guys, sorry! Do the right thing and announce it now and give fans refunds instead of continuing to string everyone along. For reference, please refer to how the badasses in Bad Religion handled their 2020 touring plans.

Rant over. Keep up with our running list of coronavirus-related tour cancelations and postponements right here.

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