Enlarge Which is pretty funny, given that Axl Rose originally wanted the song's video to feature a dead baby.

There’s Going to Be a Guns N’ Roses/ “Sweet Child ‘O Mine” Children’s Book

  • Axl Rosenberg

In 2006, Axl Rose shared his original vision for the “Sweet Child O’ Mine” music video, and it’s wayyyy different from what we ended up getting:

“What I really wanted to do for that… that was having about this woman from the Orient bringing her baby and getting it you know through customs and stuff, and carrying this baby and everything, but at the end, some guy splits it in half cuz it’s dead and filled with heroin. But the record company wouldn’t let me do it. That’s what ‘Sweet Child’ was supposed to be about.”

If Axl had gotten his way, though, then there probably would not be children’s book based on the song. Which there is going to be, using the lyrics from the song and illustrations by Jennifer Zivoin. Here’s the product description:

“Iconic band Guns N’ Roses gives new meaning to the beloved lyrics from ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’ in this vivid, heartfelt picture book. Follow a child’s wondrous discovery that music is everywhere around us–from the gentle wind blowing through the bluest skies, to the fearful crash of the thunder and the rain.

“With Jennifer Zivoin’s evocative, sweeping paintings, ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine‘ celebrates love and music, and how they bring us together in the sweetest ways.”

And yet, somehow, this still isn’t the weirdest Guns N’ Roses story we’ve run today. Hm.

The book will come out September 1. You can pre-order it here, and watch a trailer below.

[via The PRP]

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