Veil of Maya Unveil Wicked New Track, “Outsider”

Veil of Maya’s new track, “Outsider,” is the perfect distillation of the band’s whole career. If some young whippersnapper on a metal discovery bent came to me and was like, “What do Veil of Maya sound like?” I’d play them “Outsider” because it’s got everything: the big chugged riffs and razor-sharp technicality of the band’s earlier years along with a sing-songy chorus consistent with their latter-day output. That’s a good thing: Veil of Maya are one of those bands I dig most when they’re really pushing the pop elements of their sound, but that doesn’t mean they should sacrifice heaviness to that end. In short: I dig it!
Check out “Outsider” along with a video below, which the YouTube description defensively warns “Filmed on March 10, 2020,” as if to make sure folks don’t accuse the band of breaking quarantine to do it. For now the track is being sold as a standalone single, available here, but we’ll of course let you know if a full album is on the way.