Enlarge You're going to be hearing a lot about this band in the coming weeks and months.

Here’s an Informative Behind-the-Scenes Look at Rising Industrial Metal Act Contracult


If you’ve read the two articles we’ve posted about rising industrial metal act Contracult in recent months you might be inclined to ask the following: “Who the fuck are Contracult?” And that would be an understandable question since they’re fresh on the scene and you likely haven’t had a chance to see them live yet.

A new mini-documentary put together by our friends at The Pit answers that question. Cut in with footage from the band’s music videos, live performances and some new professional shoots, the band’s two core members — known as Svart and Cultprit — talk about the motivations that led them to create the band, musically, conceptually and lyrically. Svart speaks at length about his affinity for BDSM and how that manifests itself in the band’s music, and both speak about how certain trends in the music scene inspired the music they create. There’s also some choice footage of the band, clad in all black (naturally), walking into an L.A.-area pool deck and drawing curious stares from strangers. Been there!

All in all it’s an informative behind-the-scenes look into a band you’re surely going to be hearing a lot about in the very near future. Have a watch below.

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