Enlarge Specifically, they cover "No Excuses."

Video: Current and Former Members of Machine Head, Shinedown, and Bleeding Through Cover Alice in Chains

  • Axl Rosenberg

Today in Covers Musicians Recorded from Their Separate Homes While Under Quarantine, we have a new interpretation of Alice in Chains’ “No Excuses” by Phil Demmel (ex-Machine Head, Vio-lence), Marta Demmel (Bleeding Through), Dave McClain (ex-Machine Head, Sacred Reich), and Eric Bass (Shinedown). They didn’t change it a whole lot from the original, although the fact that Marta is handling vocals obviously gives it a different vibe from the Layne Staley-sung original.

So how did the cover come together? Phil Demmel explains:

“‘No Excuses’ is song I had been wanting to cover with our cover band ‘The Merkins.’ On the anniversary of Layne’s passing (April 5th), I asked Marta if she would want to record it in our home studio where it would be the 1st vocals I’ve recorded there and her 1st time recording a lead vocal track. It was a fun learning experience so we asked our friends, Dave McClain (Sacred Reich, MH) and Eric Bass (Shinedown) to help complete the track. We’ve decided to share that experience with you all knowing that its far from perfect, as we all as humans are.”

You can check out the results below. Phil says he’ll be “adding a ton of video content in the coming weeks,” so make sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel, too.

[via The PRP]

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