Enlarge A moment so touching that even MetalSucks can't be flip about it.

Video: NYC Firefighter Plays a Metal Version of the National Anthem Atop a Fire Truck as a Tribute to Health Care Workers


Here’s a moment so touching, even we can’t be flip about it.

As you may have heard, every night in New York City, people across the five boroughs open their windows, come out onto the fire escapes, or maybe, if it’s safe, venture a few feet out their front door and make a ton of noise as a tribute to the health care workers who are really deep in the shit at the moment. Clapping is the norm, but here in Brooklyn, where the MetalSucks Mansion is located, we’ve heard people honking car horns, banging pots and pans, blasting party horns, and engaging in all manner of aural enthusiasm in order to show their appreciation for the people who, inarguably, have the most important and difficult job in the world right now.

To that end, firefighter Louis DeRosa, from Manhattan’s Ladder 15, recently climbed atop a fire truck outside NewYork–Presbyterian Hospital and played a decidedly metal version of  “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Video of DeRosa’s tribute was shared by the Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York on Friday, and has amassed a whopping 2.8 million since then. You can check it out below:

[via Metal Injection]

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