Enlarge Blow the wind of God upon yourself by giving it a listen.

Viral Preacher Kenneth Copeland’s COVID-19 Sermon, The Brutal Metal Remix


If you’ve used the internet at any point during the past couple of weeks you’ve surely come upon at least one video of Texas televangelist Kenneth Copeland, whose sermons in which he “blows the wind of God on you” to cure the devilish evils of COVID-19 have gone viral.

Now one of those sermons has gotten the remix treatment via Twelve Foot Ninja guitarist Steve “Stevic” MacKay, who has taken choice moments of Copeland’s preaching, mixed them with brutal guitar breakdowns and trap beats, and turned them into one of the catchiest little ditties we’ve heard this side of the Mississippi.

Blow the wind of God upon yourself by giving it a spin below.

[via Metal Injection]

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