Enlarge Sylvester Stallone would want you to check this shit out.

Moon Destroys (Ex-Torche, Ex-Royal Thunder) Destroy Moons With New Demos EP and Quarantine Music Video

  • Axl Rosenberg

I learned some interesting things from watching “Wondrous Beast,” the new music video from Moon Destroys, which the band members filmed from their respective homes while under quarantine (an increasingly common occurrence). For example, I now know that guitarist Juan Montoya (ex-Torche, Killer Be Killed) really, really likes cheetahs. I also now know the style of underwear preferred by drummer Evan Diprima (Brother Hawk, ex-Royal Thunder), and that he’s a Harry Potter fan. So that’s gonna make buying these dudes birthday gifts, like, WAY easier.

I also know that these motherfuckers can rock, but that wasn’t a secret.

“Wondrous Beast” is just one of four killer tracks on the band’s EP, Stallone Demos 2009, which has just been released on Brutal Panda Records. As you can probably guess from the title, the EP is a collection of demos from 2009. The Stallone part is ’cause the band was gonna be called Stallone. Hey, there’s something else I didn’t know until now!!!

You can stream the Stallone Demos 2009 EP below, and/or purchase it here for the price of your choosing. Meanwhile, the band’s most recent full-length, Maiden Voyage, was released on March 27, also via Brutal Panda Records, and can be streamed and/or purchased here.

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