Exclusive Premiere: “Find a Way” by Abrams

Denver’s Abrams have been a longtime favorite of MetalSucks. So were obviously thrilled to get an advance listen of the band’s new album, Modern Ways… and even more excited to realize that it is, without a doubt, the group’s strongest offering to date!
As exemplified by “Find a Way” — the song we’re only too happy to be debuting today — Modern Ways is full of garage band-raw, melodic post-metal with magnetic hooks and a heartfelt, wistful edge that will hit you where you live. It would not be out of place on a playlist with more recent work by bands like Mastodon, Baroness, and Torche. Big words, we know, but it’s not just hype: Modern Ways really is THAT good.
So do your ears a favor and check out “Find a Way” below! Modern Ways will be released on May 1 via Sailor Records, and can be pre-ordered at this link, where you can also stream three other tracks from the album. Do not sleep on this one, folks — it’s something special.