Enlarge The band's new album is out this Friday.

Katatonia Premiere New Single “The Winter of Our Passing”

  • Axl Rosenberg

“The Winter of Our Passing” (there’s a Hamlet joke to be made here, I just know it) is the third single from the band’s new album, City Burials, and it falls somewhere in-between its predecessors, “Lacquer” and “Behind the Blood.” By which I mean, “Lacquer” was a real slow, melodic song, and “Behind the Blood” was considerably heavier, and “Winter” lies in the middle. I actually think it might be the strongest of the three songs (and I really dug “Lacquer”), but by all means, listen and form your own opinion.

Check out Kataonia’s “The Winter of Our Passing” below. City Burials comes out this Friday, April 24 on Peaceville, and can be pre-ordered here.

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