Enlarge But what could it be???

Ministry Mystery: Band Launches Countdown Clock For… Something

  • Axl Rosenberg

Ministry’s official website has been updated with a countdown clock, which is set to finish it’s, y’know, countdown on Friday (April 24). But what of what could the band be counting down to? Here are some not-so-educated guesses:

  • An announcement of a new album.
  • An announcement that their summer tour with KMFDM and Front Line Assembly has been postponed or cancelled (this will almost certainly happen at some point, but I dunno if it will be this Friday or not).
  • An announcement that they’ve booted Sin Quirin following accusations, which emerged in January, that the guitarist had sex with multiple underage girls.
  • An admission that every Ministry song since 1992 really has just been a remix of “Jesus Built My Hotrod.”
  • An announcement that Al Jourgensen is cutting his hair and having all that shit taken out of his face.
  • An admission that Al Jourgensen has taken LSD every day since the release of The Land of Rape and Honey.
  • FINALLY, the premiere of the “Sweet Caroline” cover Al Jourgensen did with David Hasselhoff.

WHICH COULD IT BE?!?! This is so exciting. I can’t wait for Friday. Yay.

[via The PRP]

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