Enlarge The My Chemical Romance guitarist invites special guests Gwar into his latest video.

Gwar Brutally Murder My Chemical Romance in Frank Iero’s New Video


Who needs social distancing limitations if you’re just going to murder everyone in your immediately proximity anyway? In My Chemical Romance guitarist Frank Iero’s new clip for “Medicine Square Garden,” it’s only a matter of moments.

What starts out as a normal-ish music video — the band playing, women clad in ’80s workout garb dancing — ends as anything but, with Gwar’s Pustulus Maximus, Balsac and Blothar storming the set to behead, maim and murder the band in cold blood. Is this the fate many metalheads would love to see befall My Chemical Romance in real life? Probably so. The dancers, thankfully, survive.

Check it out below. It’s bloody!

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