Enlarge His previous credits include Fate's Warning and Ray Alder's solo band.

Guitarist Michael Abdow Unveils Proggy New Tune, “Heavy Drifter”


Guitarist Michael Abdow’s forthcoming album Heart Signal caught my ear on first listen, even if I never heard of the guy before and only clicked the promo because I thought his label, Couch Cat Records, had a funny name. There’s something about Abdow’s sense of musicality I just connect with; his previous credits include time with Fate’s Warning and Ray Alder’s solo band, if that gives you any indication of the proggy direction he leans, although his solo music doesn’t sound like either.

Here’s what Abdow offers on his latest single, “Heavy Drifter:”

“‘Heavy Drifter’ is one of the more technical songs from the album and is destined for our live set. The accompanying philosophy is ‘Wherever you go, drift with the weight of your experience in the moment; leaving no trace but what you contribute to return.’ For this video, we worked with David Brodsky and Allison Woest at My Good Eye: Music Visuals.”

Check it out below via Ultimate Guitar. Heart Signal comes out next Friday, April 24; pre-order here.

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