Enlarge Just the dose of big, gnarly, AmRep-style '90s noise rock you need.

-(16)- Unleash Ferocious New Banger, “Candy in Spanish”


I had forgotten how friggin’ hard -(16)- slap. Their last full-length album, Lifespan of a Moth, came out in mid-2016, which isn’t that long ago all things considered, but sometimes you don’t realize how much you’ve missed something until you have it back, ya know?

Man, -(16)-‘s new song, “Candy in Spanish,” is kicking me in the pants right now in a way I thoroughly need! It offers the very dose of ’90s noise rock / AmRep-style aggression I need, those big, gnarly riffs smacking me right in the tuchus.

Guitarist — and now, for the first time, lead vocalist — Bobby Ferry comments on the tune:

“A conscious effort was made to inject positivity into the lyrical themes. The best we could come up with is loving your dog so much, you’d end up killing yourself if the dog dies.”

I can get down with that message, too.

-(16)-‘s new album, Dream Squasher, is due out June 5 via Relapse Records. Pre-order here: physical and digital.

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