Enlarge If Trivium wrote and recorded Ascendancy today, it might sound like this.

Trivium Share Vicious New Song “Amongst the Shadows & the Stones”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Ever wonder what it might sound like if Trivium wrote and recorded Ascendancy today, with all the knowledge and skill they’ve amassed in the fifteen years since that album’s release? Obviously, it’s impossible to say for sure, but I think the band’s new single, “Amongst the Shadows & Stones,” is probably pretty close. It wouldn’t fit seamlessly onto Ascendancy — Trivium have evolved too much to just pull a pure Slayer and produce something that sounds almost exactly like something else they’ve produced. But it definitely has Ascendancy “vibes,” for lack of a better term. I can’t really imagine any Trivium fan not enjoying the shit out of this song.

Check out “Amongst the Shadows & Stones” below. Trivium’s new album, What the Dead Men Say, comes out April 24 on Roadrunner. Pre-order it here.

MetalSucks’ own Vince Neilstein recently spoke with Trivium bassist Paolo Gregoletto as part of his ongoing Quarantinecast. Check out the interview at the bottom of this post, or download it here.

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