Enlarge The song comes from the anonymously-led charity rock outfit Till the Days End.

A Perfect Circle and Periphery Members Team Up On New Song to Benefit Mental Health


Till The Days End have unveiled a new single, “The Road to Awakening,” with some very special guests. All proceeds from the track will benefit the Mental Health Association of Frederick County.

Guests on the track include:

Matt Halpern (Periphery): drums
Matt McJunkins (A Perfect Circle): bass
Justin Gosnell (Vestascension): guitars
David Manning: vocals
Spencer Sotelo (Periphery): mixing and mastering
Drew Mazurek (Dog Fashion Disco, Nothingface): engineering

The band shared the following message about the track:

“April 15th, 2020 – What was to be Tax Day

“While we were busy trying to save the world, we left ourselves behind.”

“Today we linger in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic on what is typically Tax Day in America every year. The deadline to file your income tax has now been postponed for another 3 months. However, today we’d like to acknowledge all of the other services that are being taxed to the hilt during this horrific crisis

“Hospitals, unemployment, grocery stores – all taxed beyond capacity. Food banks, rescue missions, soup kitchens, and just about every relief program out there – all taxed to the breaking point, too. All of the essential workers on the frontlines are being taxed as well, from the nurses working overtime in the ICU to the workers making sure your local market is stocked with fresh produce.

“And then there’s the people behind closed doors, those stuck at home in isolation. For so many people, time spent alone in quarantine feels agonizing. And that despair is only compounded by staring out of the peephole through the lens of the 24-hour media portrayal of the ‘end times’, complete with an ever-increasing death counter. Record numbers of us are left with no work and little to no assistance. Many are faced with the previously unimaginable choice between stay home and starve or find work and risk getting sick. With so many businesses permanently affected by this crisis, some of you won’t even have a job to return to. Or perhaps it’s not income that’s stressing you out but the isolation itself, with its inherent separation and self-reflection. We humans are social beings, not meant to spend this much time alone without physical connection from family and friends.

“Whatever your particular source of stress during these troubling times, for so many the result is the same – we’re left feeling hopeless about the outcome. We bear the burden of a side effect that is often overlooked in the media – being stuck at home, taxed by relentless anxiety and crippling depression.

“We here at Till The Days End know that dark things hide behind closed doors. With that said, we are very proud to present “The Road To Awakening”, a song about the importance of self-care and the power we ALL hold within. Every time you look in the mirror, you’re locking eyes with a person who has the power to love, the power to change, and the power to heal. If you are struggling with your mental health, fighting every urge in your body to relapse, this song is for you. We know that it feels damn near impossible, but we implore you to take some time to focus on self-care through these trying days. If you’re struggling, please reach out and ask for help. Remember to step back and take a good look at the bigger picture and the individual place that we each hold within that picture. Remember that we are all reflections of each other. The more you are able to love yourself, the better you will become at providing love to others. Lastly, we ask you to remember that circumstances outside of ourselves don’t define who we are within.

“All proceeds from the sale and stream of “The Road To Awakening” will go directly to the Mental Health Association of Frederick County, an organization dedicated to the aid of those who are struggling with their mental health and who need help the most.

“To learn more about the Mental Health Association of Frederick County, or to donate directly:

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