Enlarge One is from Brazil, the other is from Russia.

There Are Now Two Metal Bands Called COVID-19

  • Axl Rosenberg

Actually, there are probably dozens of metal bands called COVID-19. But there are two which have come to our attention. Honestly, it’s a terrible name for two reasons:

  1. It doesn’t sound cool. Sorry. It’s not like Anthrax or whatever. It just doesn’t roll off the tongue.
  2. It’s terrible for SEO.

ANYWAY, the first one is a (mostly) one-man deathgrind project from Brazil. It’s not bad, but I don’t think anyone would really care if not for the name, which, of course, is why that moniker was chosen. Still, I’ve heard worse bands making this brand of metal.

The second COVID-19 is from Russia, and sounds kinda like Six Feet Under if Six Feet Under were more melodic yet somehow even simpler and more repetitive than they already are. Of course, Six Feet Under would never be called COVID-19 because Chris Barnes doesn’t believe that COVID-19 is a real thing. In any case, the Russian COVID-19 is definitely inferior to the Brazilian COVID-19. Take THAT, Putin.

The lesson here? A gimmick will only get you so far if your music isn’t memorable. Concentrate on learning how to play your instrument and write a cool song. Then come up with an attention-grabbing name that’s in bad taste. Ya dig?

[via Loudwire]

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